A letter (dated August 9th) was next read from the representatives of the clergy in the town in respect to Sunday Steamboat excursions to Swanage. The memorial viewed with apprehension the possibility of the running of steamboat excursions from Poole to the town, being convinced that such an innovation would be detrimental to the best interests of Swanage – destroying its quiet Sunday. It would also tend to keep away the better clad of visitors, and would necessitate an extra amount of work which was uncalled for. They appealed most strongly to the Council to do all in their power to try and stop the proposed innovation. They were convinced those were the wishes of the majority of the townspeople and visitors, and if the Council acceded to their request, they would receive their gratitude and be acting in the highest interests of the future prosperity of Swanage. The memorial was signed by The Rector of Swanage (the Rev. H.E. Eardly), the Rev. G. H. Clothier (president of the Swanage and Isle of Purbeck Free Church Council), and the Rev. Father C. McAdam (of the Roman Catholic Church).